We are not models
But we like to show our style, on real women like us.
Conscious and modern fashion from the heart
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  • BANANATIME | House of Lena

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    BANANATIME's Vision is to simplify and enhance your life by creating wardrobe items that offer the perfect balance of comfort, luxury, and versatility with no limitations of gender or size.

    BANANATIME offers wardrobe staples that are expertly cut from the finest mulberry silk. At BANANATIME they understand the importance of simplifying your life with versatile and comfortable styles that provide you a seamless shift from indoor to outdoor or from morning to night. Making it possible for effortless dressing for every occasion in a stylish way.

    The name of the brand was inspired by a paper titled ‘Banana Time’ written by Donald Francis Roy in 1959. It describes how industrial workers made work and their workplaces more tolerable by taking some ‘Banana Time’ : playing games and enjoying short breaks with their colleagues throughout the day.

    BANANATIME offers quality, versatile clothing for conscious consumers who want to express their unique style and care about how their choices affect the planet. In the tradition of "slow fashion," they create timeless, made-to-last classics, that let you transition effortlessly through the seasons.

    BANANATIME offers wardrobe staples that are expertly cut from the finest mulberry silk.

    Strong, timeless, and endlessly versatile, silk is a natural fabric that takes you from season to season in effortless comfort and style.

    Silk helps regulate body temperature, keep you warm in winter and cool in summer. It dries quickly, and help skin its moisture balance, making it ideal for sensitive skin - with natural proteins and 18 essential amino acids that provide an anti-aging boost. The triagular, prism-like structure of silk fibre makes it soft and sumptuous to the touch, and gives it a delicate luster that reflects right and produces a beautiful multicoloured sheen.

    House of Lena 4,9 / 5 - 12 Évaluations @ google
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